Wow, I'm impressed you came here!

I'm pretty sure anyone coming here will be enough of a fan of the video to appreciate a bit of behind-the-scenes stuff. I have no idea if this segment is actually funny or if it's just really annoying. Be sure to vote with your feet.

Anyway, the Salesman scenes were the last things written and the last things filmed for the... whatever History Mystery Apocalypse is. My original idea was an ad in the style of the Now That's What I Call Music ads back when I started writing this, but unfortunately I found out that another bigger, much more popular YouTuber with better facial hair than me put out a video which had the same idea, executed in a much better way with a much bigger budget. So I dropped it.

Near the end of the project I ended up getting an advert for the slap chop on youtube, and a lightbulb clicked - that, but without the skill and natural charisma that goes into being a pitchman. And thus Alan Stront the perfunctory salesman was born!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this segment, and the video as a whole. I'm not really sure what's gonna happen but we'll see. Byron xx